The sole purpose for canine behavior modification is to change undesirable or harmful behaviors with behavior that is more desirable and far healthier for your dog. In order to properly modify any type of undesirable behavior, your dog must first be properly obedience trained.
Counter Conditioning Training– This is the process of changing your dog’s emotional and physical response towards a specific stimulus from a negative to a positive.
Desensitization Training– This is working on gradual exposure to situations or stimuli that brings on undesirable behavior in your dog, but at a level so low there is no response. The key to this type of process is to design a stimulus gradient so that your dog can be gradually exposed to more intense levels of the problematic stimulus without exhibiting the undesirable behavior.
Phobias towards People, Dogs, Noises, and Objects
Obsessive Compulsive Behaviors
Leash Aggression Towards People, Dogs, or other Small Animals